Sunday, October 16, 2011


...and welcome to God's family! The decision you've just made to follow Jesus Christ is the most important decision of your life. God is now your heavenly Father and you are now His child!

You might be having a hard time explaining what has happened to you. You may be filled with excitement, awe and a sense of freedom.....or you may not feel that anything has happened at all. Don't worry either way. The Bible speaks about the place you are in right now: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17).

So, what's next?

  • Find a good church that teaches the Bible. Go meet the pastor and tell him about your new faith in Jesus Christ. The church has 3 purposes in a believer's life:
    1. fellowship-it is important that you surround yourself with other believers
    2. teach the Bible-this is how we learn to apply God's instructions into our life
    3. worship-thanking God for all He has done for us
  • Make time each day to focus on God by praying and Bible reading. Praying is simply talking to God about your concerns and problems, asking for wisdom and guidance. Ask Him to provide for your needs. Tell Him how much you love Him and appreciate all He does for you. Bible reading means to daily study God's Word, His instruction manual for how to live our lives in a way that is both pleasing to Him and satisfying to us. The Gospel of John is a good place to start.

  • Develop relationships with people who can help you spiritually. Find a friend or two, perhaps from your church, who can help and encourage you. They can help you be accountable for your quiet time, your activities and your walk with God. Also, let your old friends know about how Jesus Christ has changed your life and that you can't do all the same old things that you used to. Then ask God to give you opportunities to share Jesus with your friends.

This is a new and exciting time for you! And don't be afraid..."I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." (Psalm 34:4).


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